Hydropure is the first Stainless steel manufacturer in India


Hydropure offers you convenient shopping experience at any scale

Why You Should Choose Hydropuretanks

What is amazing about our steel water tanks is they are made of 304 grade stainless steel so they are guaranteed to last long & manufactured in beautiful shape and are built to be high strength, corrosion and rust proof, environment friendly, tamper proof, moss resistant, high temperature resistant, anti-seepage, anti-vibration,leak proof.These stands to hold the water tank are also developed with special features and are durable, lightweight as well as easy to install, dismantle, clean and maintain. Hence, Hydropure steel water tank is the greatest alternative to the conventional plastic and RCC water storage tanks.


Why You Should Choose Us And Not Our Competitors

Look at those numbers they are on our side

We have Not 1 but 3 ISO certification after meeting all criteria- Quality management- ISO 9001:2015, Environment management- ISO 1401:2015 Health & Safety - ISO 4501:2018
Customized solutions of steel water tanks for big as well as small businesses, any projects and houses . Steel tanks can be horizontal & vertical. Vertical tank can be customized between 300L-5000L and Horizontal tanks can be customized between 1000L-5000L
We have a separate R&D center and manufacturing unit with highly skilled engineers and We give 10 years of warranty with 1 year replacement guarantee.
Our stands are also guaranteed durable, affordable and light-weight as well as easy to install, dismantle, clean and maintain. We manufacture 100% BPA Free, 100% Food grade, 100% natural steel water tank

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